
Activision-Blizzard si mobilita per il supporto all’Ucraina

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Nel corso del weekend, Activision-Blizzard ha definito le proprie azioni nei confronti del conflitto scoppiato nell’est Europa. Come deciso da molti altri colossi del settore videoludico, anche Activision bloccherà ogni vendita dei suoi prodotti sul territorio russo e in rubli, come “sanzione” verso l’invasione russa dell’Ucraina.

Il supporto diretto alla popolazione ucraina invece arriverà attraverso donazioni a organizzazioni umanitarie, triplicando le cifre devolute dai propri dipendenti. Infine, l’azienda si è impegnata ad aiutare i propri dipendenti (e famiglie) in qualche modo coinvolti nella crisi.

Di seguito l’intervento in lingua originale del Chief Operating Officer di Activision Blizzard Daniel Alegre.

Throughout the past week, we have watched the news from Ukraine and the worsening humanitarian crisis that is unfolding. Our company’s commitment is to help those impacted by this terrifying violence and to provide assistance in every way possible.

Today, we are announcing that Activision Blizzard will be suspending new sales of and in our games in Russia while this conflict continues. We will continue to look at ways to support the Ukrainian people. I want to reassure you that the safety of our employees is our leadership team’s top priority. We are doing everything possible to assist employees, and their families, who are being directly affected by this tragedy. If you or a colleague needs support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your manager or local HR leaders. I’d also like to remind you that our Employee Assistance Program is available to those who need emotional support during this difficult time.

I also want to take a moment to recognize the incredible work of our teams to support the Ukrainian people. The company is matching employee donations 2:1 to organizations providing immediate relief in the region. Together we have raised over $300,000 in this effort. Next week we plan to add additional charities to choose from for consideration and also will raise the company matching limit from $1,000 to $10,000.

I’d also like to applaud the tremendous contributions from our colleagues in Poland, where people have volunteered their time to assist Ukrainian refugees and others in need. We continue to work with them to find ways we can further assist this effort. We stand with the Ukrainian people and will provide updates on any new actions we take as this crisis continues to unfold.



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Signore indiscusso della redazione, MasterRedz ha spadroneggiato in BattleCraft dopo aver sterminato i suoi rivali a furia di dirette BlizzCon e articoli. Ora ha puntato gli occhi sulla conquista di DailyQuest e nessun redattore sarà al sicuro!

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