World of Warcraft

Hotfix per TBC Classic: fix per Blackrock Spire

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Blizzard ha rilasciato dei nuovi hotfix che vedono aggiustato un bug al raid Blackrock Spire/Bastioni di Roccianera, che non permetteva ai gruppi da 6 a 10 persone di entrare.

Il Community Manager Kaivax ha confermato che le vendite delle ricette come i Transmute Primal Might ora sono illimitate e vincolate e che l’NPC Zephyr, che apre un portale per le Caverns of Time/Caverne del Tempo, non sarà disponibile nella prima fase di TBC Classic.

MAY 24, 2021

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Classes
    • Shaman
      • Threat generated by Earth Shield is once again attributed to the target of the aura.
  • Dungeons and Raids
    • 6 to 10-member parties can enter Blackrock Spire once again.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Sayge’s Fortune to be incorrectly removed when entering level 60 raids.
  • Quests
    • Players should now be able to loot the Strange Lockbox in the druid quest, “Trial of the Sea Lion.”

WoW Classic

  • Characters below level 60 are no longer teleported out of Silithus.

Yes. Limited vendor recipes such as Transmute Primal Might are now unlimited, and they’re and bind-on-pickup.

There are several more related notes in the Items section here

I’ve struck Zephyr from the Beta notes post. She will not be available early in Outland.

We’re going to keep her in mind as we consider similar potential additions through the phase progression of Burning Crusade Classic.

Davide "Grallen" Fontemaggi

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