World of Warcraft

Hotfix per WoW: corretti bug della patch 8.3.7

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Blizzard ha rilasciato dei nuovi hotfix che vanno a correggere i bug della patch 8.3.7 del  Profeta Skitra, boss di Ny’alotha, e dei Raccoglitori di Pensieri, del boss N’Zoth.

Su WoW Classic ora gli oggetti  Head of Onyxia Head of Nefarian Head of Rend BlackhandHeart of Hakkar fanno partire correttamente il dialogo e il buff relativo nei server che hanno attivo il sistema del layering.

July 22, 2020

Dungeons and Raids

  • Ny’alotha the Waking City
    • Prophet Skitra
      • Corrected an issue that unintentionally increased Prophet Skitra’s health on Mythic difficulty.
    • N’Zoth the Corruptor
      • Thought Harvester will now stop moving to cast Harvest Thoughts and will no longer use melee attacks during the cast.

WoW Classic

  • On a realm that is currently layered, turning in Head of Onyxia, Head of Nefarian, Head of Rend Blackhand, or Heart of Hakkar will now start the event dialogue for each layer in which the NPC is currently alive.

Davide "Grallen" Fontemaggi

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