Blizzard ha rilasciato nuovi hotfix dove ora i cooldown dell’abilità del Monaco Tocco della Morte, i monili Dispositivo Quantico Imperscrutabile e Ordigno Empireo e l’incantesimo Armatura del Danzalame resettano a fine incontro con un boss.
Ci sono dei piccoli aggiustamenti anche per le classi Cacciatore di Demoni, Sacerdote, Paladino e Guerriero ed anche fix alle congreghe, professioni e Torgast.
BlizzardHere you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
January 14, 2021
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Resolved an issue that could prevent players from being healed by Collective Anguish‘s (Legendary Effect) Fel Devastation.
- Monk
- Touch of Death will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
- Paladin
- Protection
- Guardian of the Forgotten Queen‘s (PvP Talent) immunity effect can now correctly be dispelled by effects such as Warrior’s Shattering Throw, and Priest’s Mass Dispel.
- Priest
- Measured Contemplation (Legendary Effect) will now consistently grant stacks of its buff.
- Warrior
- Shattering Throw will now correctly remove immunity effects if the Warrior moves out of line of sight of the target after the weapon is in flight.
- Kyrian
- Phial of Serenity ( Covenant Ability) will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
- Necrolord
- Hearth Kidneystone (Emeni Soulbind) can no longer be used by Mind Controlled targets.
- Night Fae
- Fixed an issue where the speed boost from Wild Hunt Tactics (Korayn Soulbind) didn’t occur when triggered by damage over time and heal over time abilities.
Dungeons and Raids
- De Other Side
- Mueh’zala
- Resolved an issue where players could become affected by Quaking (Affix) when players are pulled back to his platform upon re-emerging on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
- Sanguine Depths
- Fixed an issue where the Lightless Force weapon enchant could unintentionally engage enemies from the floor above.
- Spires of Ascension
- Kin-Tara
- Fixed an issue that prevented her from using abilities until she ascends into the air when engaged in combat after a wipe.
- The Necrotic Wake
- Fixed an issue where Zolramus Necromancer’s summoned minions could not be defeated if they were at a distance from the necromancer upon its death.
- Reduced the area of effect of Zolramus Sorcerer’s Shadow Well to match its visual.
Items and Rewards
- The following trinkets with cooldowns 3 minutes or longer now reset when a boss encounter ends:
- The Sinful Gladiator’s Vestment (Elite version) transmogrification set now contains the correct cloak.
- Fixed an issue where Widowbloom was granting slightly less herbs per pick than other herbs.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- Greatly increased the attack damage of summoned Beasts of Prodigum for characters with intellect specializations.
- Vendors in Torghast now offer anima powers for your Beast of Prodigum if a Beast is present.