World of Warcraft

Season of Discovery: in arrivo dei nuovi server PvE e PvP

wow classic trasferimento personaggio

La Season of Discovery è nel pieno della sua Fase 4, e dato il successo e il numero di giocatori attivi, Blizzard ha annunciato che aprirà altri due nuovi reami, uno PvE e uno PvP, con un trasferimento gratuito garantito per poterli popolare velocemente.

Nel comunicato viene sottolineato che non è un trasferimento forzato ma che serve per dare nuovo spazio a tanti giocatori che vogliono giocare insieme.

Viene anche specificato che questo trasferimento gratuito sarà attivo per tutto il restante tempo della Season of Discovery e che gli attuali reami attivi non potranno più ospitare nuovi giocatori!

Vi lasciamo con il comunicato originale per i dettagli.

When Season of Discovery launched we were excited to leverage some technology improvements that allowed us to achieve significantly higher realm populations than ever before, and we’ve had a goal of seeing all Season of Discovery players of each ruleset playing on the same realm.

To reach that goal, we will soon open Free Character Transfers from all Season of Discovery realms to one single PvP realm and one single PvE realm in each region (where applicable). These free transfers and all origin realms will remain available for the rest of Season of Discovery, but with the origin realms closed to new players.

Most of the origin realms currently still have healthy populations, and we recognize that moving characters can be disruptive to player communities, so this is not a decision we take lightly. Faction balance on the PvP realms is also a concern for many players, and we’re pleased to note that daily active players across all PvP realms has been a near perfect 50/50 split. This consolidation should not impact faction balance. Ultimately we believe, and have seen from player movement, that people want to be with as many others as possible.

Thank you all for joining us in this journey through Season of Discovery. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone take on the final phases together!

–The WoW Classic Development and Server Teams

Davide "Grallen" Fontemaggi

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