World of Warcraft

TBC Classic: cambiamenti ai tamburi di Conciatura

tbc classic

La beta di TBC Classic è partita e subito i giocatori hanno notato un’aggiunta non presente nella versione originale del gioco, ovvero la presenza di due versioni dell’oggetto Drums of Battle, una comune e una rara (“Greater”).

Il Community Manager Kaivax è intervenuto dicendo che, al contrario dei restanti oggetti, magie, abilità e mappe che funzioneranno com’erano nella patch 2.4.3, con l’oggetto Drums of Battle hanno deciso di fare un’eccezione.

I Drums of Battle comuni funzioneranno com’erano a inizio TBC, mentre la versione rara sarà aggiunta appena uscirà la patch di Zul’Aman, per ridare quella sensazione di cambiamento e miglioramento che c’era stato durante il passaggio delle patch.

Voi siete d’accordo con questa aggiunta?


Leatherworking drums have been a hot topic since we first started working on Burning Crusade, since they would make Leatherworking feel mandatory.

In the first few patches of original Burning Crusade, the drums had a cast time and smaller radius, which limited their effective use. Leatherworking was an unattractive profession at the time, so the drums were improved in patch 2.3. That led to the fond memories we all have of drum rotations as one of the added layers of teamwork in later Burning Crusade encounters.

Right now in the Burning Crusade Beta, all Leatherworking drums now have an Uncommon and Rare (i.e., “Greater”) version. Our current thinking is that the greater versions will be acquired via recipe drops from Zul’Aman.

While it’s true that we’re generally planning to implement items (and spells and maps and everything else) in their patch 2.4.3 state, this one stood out as something we should make an exception for. By default, we don’t want to change the behavior of items from patch to patch, so we think the right thing to do is to introduce the greater drums as a new item, so that the behavior of the original items doesn’t have to change.

Davide "Grallen" Fontemaggi

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