Il Community Manager Kaivax ha annunciato la rimozione dei ban ad alcuni giocatori. I giocatori erano stati bannati perchè sembrava che avessero abusato di un exploit per continuare ad aprire i forzieri nella Vallata dell’Eterna Primavera, ma con ulteriori indagini ciò non è risultato vero.
Il Community Manager Nethaera ha confermato che ora si può sbloccare la razza alleata dei Meccagnomi finendo in difficoltà Eroica la spedizione Operazione: Meccagon.
We’ve removed the suspensions that were issued for repeatedly looting the Black Empire Coffer.
We hotfixed the underlying issue earlier this week. Our initial analysis suggested that there was exploitative behavior here: a series of actions that needed to be taken outside of typical gameplay in order to gain advantage. However, further investigation revealed this was not always the case. This chest could reset under innocuous or even accidental conditions.
Yes. For those who didn’t get to (or chose not to) run through this dungeon in Mythic, going through it in Heroic will count toward unlocking the mecha-gnomes.