World of Warcraft

PTR 8.3: cambiamenti per Monaco e Sacerdote

cambiamenti classi monaco e sacerdote

Il Community Manager Kaivax ha annunciato dei potenziamenti per la classe Monaco Misticismo, dei nerf per il Sacerdote Disciplina e un cambiamento all’effetto dell’essenza Forza Vitale Condensata nel PTR della patch 8.3 Visions of N’zoth. Queste modifiche si aggiungono ai cambiamenti alle Classi già annunciati.

Ricordiamo che scaricare adesso il PTR velocizzerà il vostro download il giorno effettivo del rilascio poiché molti file sono in comune. Un motivo in più per dare una mano coi test!

Se non avete paura degli spoiler potete visitare il nostro forum, dove è già stato aperto un thread con i nuovi modelli.


I’ve updated the OP here to reflect the changes we’re testing on the current PTR.

Added to the notes above:


  • Condensed Life-Force
    • Azerite Spike cast time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 2.0 seconds).
      • Developers’ notes: The cast time increase was primarily intended to resolve a bug where the Guardian would clip his own casts when you gained enough haste to bring the cast below a GCD. However, this particular essence, which is largely passive, was the premier choice for most specializations in both single and multi-target situations. So, in addition to the cast time increase, we felt it was necessary to reduce the damage increase the player receives from the essence.
  • Worldvein Resonance
    • Lifeblood Shard now gets +300% value for 18 seconds (was +50% for 10 seconds).


  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Life Cocoon now absorbs for 60% of the caster’s maximum health (was 1100% of the caster’s spellpower).
        • Developers’ note: This ability had gotten weaker compared to player health pools since the start of the expansion, and this will help it better maintain its value.
      • Enveloping Mist healing increased by 10%.
      • Revival healing increased by 12%.
      • Renewing Mist healing increased by 15% and now costs 2.5% of mana (was 2.8%).
      • Vivify healing increased by 6%.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Fixed a bug preventing Contrition healing from being correctly affected by Mastery.
      • Contrition base healing reduced by 25%.
        • Developers’ notes: In the aggregate, Contrition is gaining value, due to the increase to Penance healing, reduction to Atonement healing, and the Mastery bugfix.

Davide "Grallen" Fontemaggi

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