Dopo l’annuncio dell’arrivo dei nuovi reami Nuovo inizio” (Fresh Start) per Wotlk Classic, la community si è scatenata facendo diverse domande e tra queste è stato chiesto se in questi nuovi reami i famosi Cancelli di Ahn’Qiraj saranno già aperti o meno.
La risposta arriva direttamente dal WoW Developer Pazorax, il quale dice espressamente che i Cancelli di Ahn’Qiraj saranno già aperti in questi server e quindi non esiste possibilità di ottenere il ricercato titolo Scarab Lord/Signore degli Scarabei.
Vi lasciamo con il bluepost. Soddisfatti della risposta?
I guess I will be that guy and ask… What will be the status of the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj and Scarab Lord questlines on fresh wotlk realms?
I presume they would be open and unavailable, but this is just the first time we’ve had fresh, non-vanilla realms on Classic, so I should ask for the sake of people potentially getting their hopes up (Plus the question has come up in a couple places).
Thanks for asking!
I suppose we could have been more explicit in the original announcement post, but the relevant line is this one:
New Fresh Start Realms with Wrath Classic
All of the WoW Classic and Burning Crusade dungeons and zones will be unlocked and available on these realms.
That includes the gates of Ahn’Qiraj; they’ll be open. The war effort will be marked completed. The gong will already be rung. The Anubisath warriors will already be beaten back. The fresh Wrath of the Lich King realms will not mint any new Scarab Lords.
If you want to be a Scarab Lord, consider organizing the effort on a low-population Season of Mastery realm. Last I checked there were a few with their resources completed but their gongs unrung…